No. Matter.

What. Happens.

We live in a world faced with fear, fakeness, chaos, and craziness:

It's hard to simply catch our breath sometimes... Living with true serenity sounds like a dream, but it's clearly attainable through a simple system!

Dovid Hamelech gave us the secret system, in Tehillim. "Hemanti, Ki Adaber."

Learn More

Sha'ar Habitachon teaches us in Chapter 1 that the definition of bitachon is trusting someone or something with the highest level of trust. It's called "reliance" :

When someone trusts on this level, 

the natural result is to have complete peace of mind in all areas of life, no matter what happens. They will also be better off than an alchemist, and they will experience real contentment, true inner happiness, and huge success, in all areas of life. 

It sounds nice and lofty,  but is it actually possible?

Is it practically possible to attain such a high level of trust in someone or something?

The answer is, yes!

But, how?

How can we practically apply this throughout our chaotic lives filled with fear, fakeness, and negativity?

The answer is in the deep meaning of these magical words; "Hemanti - Ki Adaber".

Dovid Hamelech said in Tehillim:

"Hemanti: I had complete Emunah",

which means he had real reliance,

thereby having true tranquility,

and complete peace of mind throughout his life!

How did he do it?

"Ki Adaber: Because I consistently spoke Divrei Bitachon"

Dovid Hamelech had a very successful life but an extremely challenging one. He wrote Tehillim throughout his challenges, and lived with Real Reliance, True Tranquility™, despite his challenges. And yes, you can too!

how it works

The Hemanti Model®

turning inspiration

into transformation

Create a habit

Create a habit of learning Sha'ar Habitachon with a partner, or with a group, for just 10 minutes a day, by making it a daily routine, as part of your day, just like brushing your teeth (only if you do of course😜).

Choose a time

Choose a time in the day that can work for you and your partner at the same time every day. Even though it's just a few minutes, the power of consistency will start compounding and your achievement will be more and more magical with every passing day.

Common Obstacle:

Decision Fatigue

find a partner



Humans by nature suffer from something called 'decision fatigue', which means that when one needs to make many decisions to do something, they don't end up doing it.....



Let's say you want to learn. Your mind be faced with many decisions: 1) What will I learn?  2) Where will I learn? 3)With who will I learn? 4)When will I learn?


And what usually happens is that you don't end up

learning. 😂



When you make 1 smart decision and set it into place, in your daily routine, you no longer have to make daily decisions... because you already made all of them and set them into place to happen every day, learning the same thing, with the same person, at the same time, and the same place! 💪

Ready to commit to making bitachon learning a habit?

Request a FREE Artscroll Sha'ar Habitachon

delivered to your door*

*while supplies last. If the supply runs out you will stay on the list until the supply refills.

send a request


In honor or in memory of a loved one.

Donate towards operations and growth of this movement to transform lives 


Listen Live

To groups studying shaar habtachon on the Hemanti conference line:

1:00 PM

R' Nechemya Tessler

& R' Shloimy Katz

Tune in @12:59 (Mon-Thurs)

Play past recordings join group

3:00 PM

R' Doivy Tessler &

R' Duvy Lemmer

Tune in @2:59 (Mon-Thurs)

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4:00 PM

R' Shaya Tyberg &

R' Tzali Steinberg

Tune in @3:59 (Mon-Thurs)

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5:00 PM

R' Shimmy Gross

Tune in @4:59 (Mon-Thurs)

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8:45 AM

R' Nuchem Weisberg

Tune in @8:44 (SUN-Friday)

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9:00 AM

R' David Hochberg

Tune in @8:59 (Mon-Thurs)

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2:00 PM

1 Minute

Bitachon Boosters

Given by renowned speakers

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12:00 PM

Admor of Dinev &

R' Zevy Goldring

Tune in @11:59 (SUN-Friday)

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8:00 PM

Coming Soon!

Stay Tuned....

Tune in @7:59 (Mon-Thurs)

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— The Vilna Gaon

The main reason for all 613 mitzvos is that a Yid should come to have complete bitachon in Hashem.

Our Mission  was launched with a mission

to promote, inspire, encourage, and support Yidden around the world to: "Ki Adaber", make it a consistent habit to study Chovos Halvavos Shaar Habitachon, (which is the #1 source for learning bitachon) for 5-10 minutes a day, thereby transforming lives to live with Real Reliance & True Tranquility™, NO. MATTER. WHAT. HAPPENS. The experience is so magical that it can hardly be explained, it has to be experienced!

Join A Bitachon Group find a bitachon partner


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